
New Generation

Utilizing the unlimited opportunities provided by the digital world and elements of cultural power has become a requisite for the countries in order to keep pace with the changing diplomacy approach and to access the information, in the global system, where non-governmental organizations gain impact increasingly with the power of public opinion.

With the increase of the impact of civil society in the wold, the “single-dimensional” diplomacy activities, which have been performed only by the diplomats until today, have gone under a changing process and transformed into a “multi-layer” and “multi-dimensional” structure.

In this respect, it is obvious that there are not sufficient civil initiatives, which may fill the gap in the field of “new generation diplomacy” in Turkey. Diplomacy Foundation claims to become the civil and academic face of Turkish foreign policy, in this respect.

Our Objectives

It shall carry out its studies as a civil actor aiming to strengthen the diplomatic activities of Turkey by diversifying them

Diplomacy Foundation, which acts with the motive of increasing the recognition and power of Turkey in the international arena, aims to strengthen the international cooperation and make contribution into the promotion of the country. Branding of the Turkey’s values shall contribute into the “Turkish” perception in the world and increase the diplomatic power of Turkey with the communication strategy in the new media platforms.

The foundation, which shall highlight the soft power Dynamics of Turkey, give priority to the subjects such as the diaspora diplomacy and cultural diplomacy, shall undertake the task of cultural ambassador in order to reach to all shareholders from various corporate organizations to the international organizations.


It is determined as to determine the target group that has priority in line with the objectives of Turkey and to plan the activities to be carried out in this direction,


To interact with the civil society through the events to be organized and to strengthen the principles adopted, policies and national thesis followed by Turkey,


To make academic production related with the various aspects of Turkish foreign policy such as economy, safety, energy, migration, belief, and culture,


To adopt the “multi-dimensional” and “multi-layer” new generation diplomacy approach in parallel with the changing diplomacy approach,


To serve as a platform in order to protect the rights and interests of Turkish nation, particularly, of Turkey and Turkish world, in international issues on all geographies,


To use the new media platforms effectively with the strategic communication methods.

Our Activities

The Diplomacy Foundation, which will take the necessary steps to expand the diplomatic domain of Turkey and carry its perception to a better position in the international arena, shall try to fill the gap in the field of civil diplomacy by organizing various events. In the planning stage of the mentioned events, it shall determine the actors, who are required to be reached through civil initiative rather than the official channels; and shall create strategic interaction channels with the determined opinion leaders.

Within the scope of these activities, it is foreseen to organize conferences, symposiums, lobbying activities, panels, workshops and exhibitions inland and abroad; to publish printed and digital materials.

The Diplomacy Foundation aims to stand out from the existing institutions and organizations and non-governmental organizations, which carry out studies in the field of diplomacy, with the abovementioned activities and to gain a different position.

Particularly, focus shall be put on collecting, understanding and analysing the discourses from the international public base using cultural and academic diplomacy channels; thus, it shall be possible to give diplomatic reactions.

In summary; Diplomacy Foundation will take its place among non-governmental organizations as a think tank organization, which makes significant contributions into bringing Turkey to a leading country position both in its region and in the world, and uses new generation diplomacy strategies effectively.

  • It shall prepare scientific researches in order to determine the activities intended for the target audience,
  • It shall organize interviews with the actors, who have the opportunities and capabilities to make an impact in the international arena, using diplomatic channels,
  • It shall ensure coordination by establishing cooperation between the public sector, the private sector and non-governmental organizations, in order to make contribution into the promotion of Turkey and to strengthen the 'Turkish' and 'Turkey' brands,
  • It shall carry out its activities on digital platforms, taking the indisputable power and impact of social media today into account,
  • It shall conduct studies related with the image of Turkey in the international public opinion,
  • It shall aim to propose diplomatic solution suggestions to the problems that occupy a place on the agenda of Turkey, within the scale of researches related with terrorism, anti-Islam, anti-Turks and irregular migration problems,
  • It shall conduct studies intended to produce and implement new ideas in the field of diplomacy by organizing various organizations.

Scientific Researches for the Target Audience

Digital Diplomacy Studies

Interviews with Opinion Leaders

Digital Publications

Intersectoral Cooperation and Coordination

Events such as Panels, Conferences, Workshops

Mission & Vision

Diplomacy Foundation focuses on the concept of "branding the values of Turkey ", not on the concept of "Turkey's brand value". Our foundation, which has emerged as a civilian actor in the field of diplomatic struggle, claims to be a school in this field. Framing the thesis of Turkey, strengthening its arguments, highlighting its values, and transforming the multi-layered elements of civil society into diplomatic actors are among our objectives.
Diplomacy Foundation is a think tank organization, which aims to have the civil diplomatic platforms existing in the countries those claim to be a global power, also in Turkey.

Diplomacy Foundation is an initiative, which thinks about the world system globally and reads it in Turkish, and defends the rights and interests of Turkish nation on the international platforms as a civil actor.

The Foundations aims to surround all cultural, social, economic, politic, and intellectual domains, which forms the international face of Turkey.

DF is a civil formation that aims to increase the diplomatic capacity of Turkey.

What is New
Generation Diplomacy?


With the new understanding of diplomacy, the private sector, business people, academicians, think tank organizations and members of the media have been involved in the diplomatic process and the diplomacy has gained a more civil and democratic structure. Undoubtedly, these changes have caused significant effects on the language, style, method and tools of diplomacy. The new form of relationship and communication channels, which have been created by the developments in communication, information and information technologies, enabled the rapid transfer of diplomacy to the virtual environment; brought the concepts such as network diplomacy, e-diplomacy and social media diplomacy forward, and a period, in which diplomacy channels diversified, has begun.

In this period, where the online communication increases day by day, digital channels have become important in international relations and in the dissemination of messages intended for the international public opinion. Within this context, new generation diplomacy is defined as an interactive process, in which government and non-governmental organizations communicate with the international public opinion, using the digital tools and convey information to them. This understanding, which serves as complementary and supportive in the foreign policy, ensures that national strategies and messages exist and become visible in the new media.

Digital Platforms
Social Media Channels
New Communication Technologies
Think Tank Organizations and NGOs
Citizen His Diplomacy
Academic Media